Andre Dufresne Books

 NICOLAS RIVARD, Sieur de la Vigne
Captain of Militia



 Author: Andre Dufresne
Copyright 2005
Published by Les Editions Laglanderie
C.p. 160
Succursale St-Martin
Laval (Quebec)
Canada H7V 3P5

ISBN 0-9739928-0-8

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Writing the first lines of my family’s history was a daunting task.  The breadth of such a chronicle was very intimidating.  I am not an historian: to tell the truth, history was not my favorite subjects in college.  How then, can I explain this passion for the story of my ancestors?  I am an amateur genealogist, which in effect does not endow me with any special talent to become an author.  However a strong desire to recount my discoveries finally overcame any hesitations that I might have had.  It seemed important to perpetuate the feats of our common ancestors, feats which in the vast majority of cases remained unknown.  These unknown heroes’ lives had to be brought out of obscurity.  After all, at the cost of countless sacrifices they built our nation!  I felt compelled to start writing about what I have discovered.

I am André, son of Pierre, son of Charles-Henri, son of Joseph-Adélard, son of Joseph, son of George, son of Joseph, son of Augustin, son of Joseph, son of Julien, son of know the names of one's ancestors is fine.  Getting acquainted with them is much more interesting.  My research brought me into their lives, their daily activities, their personalities, their destinies, their dreams.  In this short work it is not possible to go as far as I would have like to: those who have labored in the dusty offices of courts’ clerks and archive centers, peered over the registers of notaries and civil authorities, know about the difficulties one can encounter.  Old documents are not only hard to find, they are also in many cases illegible!  Researchers know that you need to arm yourself with patience.  Time is a precious commodity, of which I don’t have enough!  Perhaps after this first step, maybe at retirement, I will be able to complete this preliminary work: Until then I hope to open a window on our past and invite you to look through it.

Originally this work was for the benefit of my immediate family and not for the general public.  I have on occasion inserted certain observations which are my own and could be criticized by more experienced authors or genealogists.  I have however researched thoroughly all the important documents concerning the lives and times of our ancestors.  And this English version would have been impossible without the help of my good friend Jim Rivard, who volunteered to translate it, and of my dear cousin Marlyss Rivard Hernandez, our self-styled “Ladybug”, who edited it and without whose tenacity this English version would not have seen the light of day…

As far as the documents that are identified in this work I have observed a strict discipline.  I have taken the time to see, photocopy and analyze the authentic records.  It is my hope that the reader will find this voyage into the past of interest for himself and his family.  Our past will shed light onto our present and will help us better understand who we are. André Dufresne, Laval, Québec, 2005

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